Hi👋 Nice to meet you~
I am a second-year PhD student at the department of Computer Science and Engineering , The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), under the supervision of Prof. Shing-Chi CHEUNG in CASTLE research group.
Before joining CASTLE group, I obtained my B.Eng. degree from the School of Cyber Science and Engineering , Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST) in 2022. Supervised by Prof. Ming WEN, I had a memorable learning exeprience in SAS-HUST research group during udergraduate.
Currently, I am working on research topics in program analysis and software testing.
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Sep, 2022 - Now
Ph.D., Computer Science, Supervised by Prof. Shing-Chi CHEUNG
Huazhong University of Science and Technology Sep, 2018 - Jun, 2022
B.Eng., Information Security
# Co-First Author; * Corresponding Author;
[TSE’22] Effective Isolation of Fault-Correlated Variables via Statistical and Mutation Analysis.CCF-A
Ming Wen, Zifan Xie, Kaixuan Luo, Xiao Chen, Yibiao Yang, and Hai Jin.
In Transactions on Software Engineering, 2022
[ICSE’22] DeepFD: Automated Fault Diagnosis and Localization for Deep Learning Programs.CCF-A
Jialun Cao, Meiziniu Li, Xiao Chen, Ming Wen*, Yongqiang Tian, Bo Wu, and Shing-Chi Cheung*
In the International Conference on Software Engineering, Technical Research Paper, 2022
[FSE’23] Understanding the Bug Characteristics and Fix Strategies of Federated Learning Systems.CCF-A
Xiaohu Du, Xiao Chen, Jialun Cao, Ming Wen*, Shing-Chi Cheung, Hai Jin*
In ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering, Research Paper, 2023
- HKUST COMP2011 Programming with C++, Spring 2023. Teaching Assistant.
- HKUST COMP2012 Object-Oriented Programming and Data Structures, Fall 2023. Teaching Assistant.
Honors and Awards
- Postgraduate Studentship, CSE HKUST, Annually (2022-2026).
- Outstanding Graduate, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, June 2022.
- Outstanding Student Leader, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, December 2020.
- Scholarship for Academic Exellence, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, December 2019.